Sunday, November 10, 2013

✿ LOTD 044 ✿

It has been a while since I found something that even I just HAD to blog about right away. I know this outfit is not new, but it has been a while since I have been to Forever Young. Kylei used to make the cutest things and I am not sure why but I stopped making trips over there. I went today and was pleasantly surprised at all the cuteness that she has out. This outfit is ADORABLE and comes with all accessories included, boots, ears, face makeup and clothes. LOVE it alot....I couldn't pass the chance to show people the new side of Forever Young.

Hair: .ploom. Cassie (bangs 1) - Browns

Outfit: ::FY:: Kiersten

Glasses: ISON - quinton glasses (monochrome)

I figured I would stop boring everyone with the skin and eyes and stuff, since I never change it! If I do you guys will be tha first to know! HAPPY SHOPPING EVERYONE!!!

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